One-time investment for a high-speed connection
In 2020, the Mira police force moved to the ultra-modern new police station in the Kalkhoevestraat 4 in Waregem. RTS installed cameras in and around this building that, like the cameras in the city, are equipped with intelligent software. Thanks to this software, the police can search very specifically for persons, types of cars, colour, direction and size. Nils Berteyn, ICT consultant at PZ Mira, explains.
"We used the images in the investigation of a blind spot accident with a truck in which the victim died. We monitor the environment during football matches and major events. The intelligent software proved its worth when searching for a person who stole several bicycles. The software is fast, clear and easy to manage. All colleagues can work with the system thanks to the training provided by RTS."
All data remains under own management
Between the main police station and the local police stations, RTS installed a new radio link network. "A radio link requires a one-off investment cost that we amortise every month and where everything is kept under our own management. We choose which VLANs to run over the radio link ourselves and it remains our equipment. This is in contrast to a commercial solution where you pay a monthly fee for a line."
Fast transfer of data, telephony and video images
The new radio link offers many advantages for the police zone. "We have come from a 20 Mbps half duplex connection and for the connection between Waregem and Vichte we are now at a theoretical 200Mbps full duplex with BIPT licence on the frequency where the radios communicate with each other. From there it goes via the church of Otegem to the district office in Avelgem at a theoretical speed of 100Mbps full duplex. So we notice a big difference in data and telephony. The community centre of Vichte has recently been equipped with 2 IP cameras. From these cameras we can display the live video stream in Waregem if necessary."
"Ik zou RTS zeker aanraden bij collega's. Jullie hebben al jaren ervaring op het gebied van camerabewaking en straalverbindingen. De zaakvoerder Ronald is heel eerlijk. Als iets niet zal werken of hij twijfelt, dan zal hij dat zeggen. Het persoonlijk contact met iedereen, maakt het leuk om met jullie samen te werken. We appreciëren jullie down-to-earth aanpak en de West-Vlaamse werkers-mentaliteit."
- Nils Berteyn, ICT-consulent PZ Mira